World Agriculture Forum - Innovating for Sustainable Future

Our introduction

World Agriculture Forum

The WAF works on setting broad global agenda and development pathways for agriculture sector, and lobby for policies that can direct world agriculture towards sustainability and sufficiency. This non-profit venture stands sovereign and unbiased with its interest incumbent upon the betterment of agriculture. WAF brings the Governments, industry and development institutions closer and increase the flow of innovations, technologies and success models, that most often is skewed due to lack of opportunity, policies or geographical barriers, in reaching intended beneficiaries.

WAF is an important global platform to discuss the constraints and opportunities for a global momentum towards making agriculture high-tech, market linked and value added for best returns to farmers and to all stake-holders across the food value chain. The Forum brings together eminent personalities of global agriculture to one platform towards addressing the global challenges and expanding the opportunities with shared vision and collective actions.

This apex body organizes World Agriculture Summit and related global events, where world leaders congregate and deliberate the pressing issues in agriculture and set the global agenda. The Summit also sets the stage for many public-private partnerships to materialize and showcase the recent developments and innovations. The Forum also presents World Agriculture Prize to recognize persons, who have served humanity through agriculture. WAF also proposes to organise World Agriculture Fair and a host of trade events and regional summits to promote investments, trade and technologies, sharing of global growth models and fostering partnerships.

Concurrent knowledge, technology and trade events, research reports and studies and consultation meetings on key issues and challenges is the other work focus of the Forum, aimed at catalyzing knowledge growth, initiating policy reforms and accelerating global business and cooperation. The WAF serves as convergence platform for regional and global bodies, trade and business chambers for knowledge sharing, boosting trade and cooperation and achieving working synergies through partnerships and collaborations.

The WAF also serves to set standards, ratings and recognitions, and share advisories and policy inputs towards directing the world agriculture for sustainable development in face of the weather risks, climate change and rapid technological innovations. The World Agricultural Forum aims to fill the long-standing void of an international organization that functions as a neutral global platform for policies, ideas, innovations and businesses to share, learn, collaborate and cooperate for greater synergy towards ensuring livelihood security of millions of farmers and making the planet food and nutrition secure sustainably.

The Evolution of Global Agriculture

Agriculture, the bedrock of human civilization, has undergone a profound metamorphosis from a subsistence-oriented activity to a vibrant economic force. Over the past decade, globalization and technological advancements have accelerated this evolution, propelling agriculture toward unprecedented innovation and precision. However, the escalating pressures of a burgeoning population, climate change, dwindling resources, and rising disposable incomes have placed the global agricultural sector under immense strain, necessitating a paradigm shift in its approach.

Global Food and Agriculture Scenario

Agriculture is the mainstay of economies of the two third of the world with majority of Asian and African countries still dependent on agri sector for supporting livelihood of a vast majority of population. The size of world agriculture is little over $5 trillion, and food is the 3rd largest traded item accounting for $ 1.80 trillion. Asia is recording highest growth @ 8.1% in trade. Africa will however power the future growth. While Europe is the largest importer of large number of agro items, it is also among the leading suppliers of dairy and horticulture products. Africa is the importer of almost everything today, but it has got potential to emerge as the leading exporter of farm produce in times to come. US, Brazil, Netherlands, China, India, Japan, Thailand as the leading producers of a large number of agro commodities, are also the top exporters. Collaboration among nations will greatly accelerate the agriculture growth and benefit the whole world.

The Imperative for Collective Action

The emergence of digital technologies and e-commerce have presented farmers and agribusinesses with an unparalleled opportunity to accelerate growth, expand their markets, and enhance their competitiveness. While developed nations have ascended the food, nutrition, and health value chain, the developing countries continue to grapple with formidable challenges in agricultural production, food security, and farmers issues, underscoring the need for cooperation and collective actions. The confluence of globalization, trade and agribusinesses growth, and digital innovation has significantly increased the opportunities as well as the challenges. This outlined the need for a vibrant platform that brings all key stakeholders on one platform to facilitates ideas and innovations and promotes cooperation and collaboration towards solving key challenges and maximising opportunities at global level.

The Genesis of the World Agriculture Forum

To address these pressing issues, the World Agriculture Forum (WAF) was conceived during the Global Agriculture Summit in 2017 in New Delhi and later discussed at the World Food Summit in Des Moines in 2019, as a neutral, global platform for nations, industries, experts, and institutions to converge, collaborate, and catalyze sustainable agricultural development, fostering a culture of innovation, inclusivity, and collective problem-solving. Following extensive and in-depth consultations with experts and global leaders, a consensus was reached to establish the World Agriculture Forum, modeled on the pattern of World Economic Forum, to address the pressing needs and opportunities in the agricultural sector.

Organisational Structure

A Comprehensive Framework for Global Agricultural Leadership

WAF's governance and operational framework comprise three tiers:

  • WAF Board: Global Thought Leadership

    The WAF Board comprises of 30 distinguished members, carefully selected to represent diverse perspectives and expertise, drawing from:

    Corporates (15)

    Development Institutions (5)

    Governments (5)

    Experts (5)

    The Board is led by a Chairman and three Co-Chairmen, representing four key continents: Europe, Americas, Africa, and Asia and Oceania.

  • WAF Global Council: A Diverse Assembly of Global Experts

    The WAF Global Council is a 200-member assembly, featuring globally recognized names, bringing together a wealth of knowledge and experience. The Council's composition mirrors the Board's, with representatives from:

    Corporates (100)

    Development Institutions (25)

    Governments (25)

    Experts (50)

    All Board members serve as ex-officio members of the Global Council, ensuring seamless coordination and alignment.

  • WAF Sector Councils: Focused Expertise for Impact

    WAF establishes 20 sector-specific councils, each comprising 10 members from among the Council Members, to tackle policy, trade, and technology issues unique to each sector. These councils will unlock sectoral potential, foster engagement, and facilitate cooperation among key stakeholders, driving meaningful impact and progress.

Operational Framework: A Robust Foundation for Global Impact

The World Agriculture Forum (WAF) has established a comprehensive operational framework, meticulously designed to ensure:

  • Robust Management

    Efficient and effective operations management, guaranteeing seamless execution of programs and initiatives.

  • Financial Governance

    Meticulous financial oversight, ensuring prudent resource allocation, transparent expenditure, and sustained financial health.

  • Strategic Adaptability

    Dynamic strategic planning, enabling WAF to navigate emerging opportunities and challenges in the global agricultural landscape.

  • Operations Management

    WAF's daily operations are expertly managed, prioritizing efficiency and effectiveness.